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(936) 334-9500
1020 US Hwy 90
Liberty, TX 77575

Auto Repair & Tires Near Cleveland, TX

Since 1999, Milam Tire & Auto has helped Texas families take care of their vehicles. Over the years, we've earned a reputation for selling good tires, providing good service, and hiring good people. Give us a ring to set up your next automotive service. We're nearby to Cleveland, TX and ready to give you the personalized service we're known for locally. You can also get a competitive tire quote, learn about our wheels, or take advantage of our current coupons and rebates.

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Tires in Cleveland, TX

Great Tires. Great Prices.

Find your next set of tires at Milam Tire & Auto. We have brand name tires for sale at highly competitive prices compared to Cleveland tire shops. Our team also understands there are a lot of great tires on the market today, so it can be hard determining the best tire for your vehicle when you don't even know where to start. Tell us how you drive or what you'd like to get out of your next purchase (mileage, noise level, weather optimization, etc), and we'll help you find the best tire.

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Auto Repair Services with Personal Integrity

When you need an automotive service, give us a call. We provide a wide range of maintenance and repair services for your vehicle. If you find yourself having trouble braking or hear squealing, see us for a brake inspection. If your vehicle is tending toward the right or left while you're driving, stop in for a wheel alignment. We do virtually everything from tire rotation to transmission replacement. Check out our services now if you're in the Cleveland, Texas area.

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Phone: (936) 334-9500
Fax: (936) 334-1163
Address: 1020 US Hwy 90
Liberty, TX 77575
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